About Us
The journey to what is now United Personality began with an Amazon book recommendation (naturally, AI generated). A book on the evolution of psychoanalysis turned an overactive curiosity into an obsession. How do we operate? I mean Really operate – at the deepest levels. It took literally hundreds of publications from the leading authors in many different psychologic fields to arrive at a thorough answer.
As how we all operate at the deepest levels became crystal clear, I noticed self-imposed limitations and bad habits slowly melting away. My weight came way down and my energy and income went up. Then it dawned on me that everybody needs to understand their personality. Everybody. But no one has the years of time it takes to bull through this much material. And so United Personality was born.
So take a look at our personality quiz that will point you to ways your particular personality may be less than fully united. (My particular issues are/were 1,3,10.) Consider spending a few hours a month with our course for a while and see what deepening self-knowledge does for you.
I’m a physician with additional degrees in mathematical statistics and science. I enjoy hiking, skiing, yoga, neurofeedback and most any art where folks have something they wish to say. My curiosity remains untamed. Pizza remains an issue.
The Oracle of Delphi said it first and therefore best, and in stone. Know Thyself.